Hi there, welcome to Noritake Australia’s official online shopping site noritakeeshop.com.au. If you have been to Noritake Eshop in the past, you may have noticed that we have launched our newly redesigned website and hope you find the new navigation more exciting and newly added features more enjoyable.
Noritake Eshop has a new look and few new features that we wanted to point out:
1. Product ZOOM! Function
The new Noritake Eshop will allow you to zoom in on the product image so you can view the details of the décor up close.

2. Browse by Style, Colour and Feature The new Noritake Eshop will allow you to find a product you like not only by the product category such as casual and formal dinnerware but also by the style, colour and feature. For instance, if you are looking for something with a ‘country-fee’, go to Browse by Style and select Country Style to view our suggestions.

3. Gift Vouchers
Looking for a gift for someone special? Well, now you have an option to purchase Noritake Gift Vouchers!

4. Noritake Rewards Program
We love our customers and thought of the best way to say THANK YOU for supporting the brand. Our answer was Noritake Rewards Program. The program, once you join, will give you lots of benefits like receiving a $20 reward on your birthday and also on Noritake Australia’s birthday (which is coming up in August!) For more information on how you can join the Noritake Rewards Program, click here.

5. As Seen In
Noritake As Seen Page will give you an overview of our media coverage and who’s been talking about Noritake products.
We hope you like our newly designed website and do let us know if you have any questions or comments about Noritake Eshop.
Blog by Yoko Gomi